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A Simple and Free Strength Programme For Athletes

I’ve gotten a lot of free information from the internet in my time and I hope to continuously add my own bits of information here and there for others in

Polyphasic Sleep – Little Tips That May Boost Your Energy

I listened to a great podcast by Robbie Bourke ‘All Things Strength and Wellness‘ (highly recommend any S&C enthusiasts to follow it) about sleep. In it, the interviewee Nick Littlehales

Athlete’s Workshop and Group Training Registrations

I’ve got two exciting additions for clients (new and repeat!) this autumn and winter. The first is the Athlete’s workshop taking place on the 22nd of September at 7pm in

Chronic Injuries and What To Do About Them

Chronic, niggling pains can be more frustrating for a person than a straightforward fracture of a bone or even an ACL tear. At least in those scenarios you know definitively